O'Hagan Career Coaching
OCC has 35+ years of experience in interview preparation and coaching. Our goal is to work together to discover your most marketable skills & stories, giving you the confidence to excel in any professional setting.
Our Services
The job market can be an intimidating place to navigate. Regardless of where you are in your career, being prepared to navigate the interview process is critical to your future success. We offer a variety of career acquisition services to fit the needs of College Interns, Students & Graduates, Mid-Career & Seasoned Professionals, Vocational/Trade Schools & more!
Networking tips, LinkedIn strategy, access to the OCC professional network & more!​
*Ask about the Networking Plus Plan
For more information....
... you can send a direct email to Jim.OCCS@gmail.com, call/text us @ 201-303-1958, use the chat feature at the bottom right of your screen or fill out the below Contact Form!